Women, particularly in rural environments play a critical role in supporting the food value chains at micro and macro levels. Constructing and securing livelihood opportunities for them is vital to create long term and tangible economic impact. Economies thrive when women have more control over their lives and livelihoods.
We led a transformative process under one of our projects’ named ‘Sustainable Economic Development through Value Chains, Advocacy and Disaster Risk Reduction’ (EDVAD) in AJ&K by providing women with skills, resources and opportunities to enhance their economic gains. Below are some of the initiatives being taken under EDVAD paving the way for future interventions in other areas:
- 325 dairy grants were provided to 225 women for purchasing of dairy cattle
- Parent flock of 1000 poultry birds (900 hens & 100 roosters) were provided to a government run poultry
- As an outcome of parent layer flock establishment, livestock department provided 8000, day old chicks to 400 vulnerable widowed families.
- To promote climate resilient farming, 2,500 olive plants were distributed among 25 women farmers (50 saplings to each farmer) to help them establish olive farms in their respective
- 100 women were provided kitchen gardening kits containing seed kit, tool kit and fencing material to prepare gardening plots for growing seasonal
- 150 women farmers were trained on vegetable and food processing Solar dryers were also provided.
- 152 potential farmers were introduced to organic farming
- 15 women farmers were trained and equipped for commercial farming through provision of professional tool kits, fencing material and improved vegetable seeds.