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 The month of Dhul Hijjah is one of the holiest periods of the Islamic year – Donate for Palestine

Hot meals being prepared in Gaza for displaced families.

Donate for Palestine, Donate for life


Civilians in Gaza are facing the horror of major airstrikes. The rapidly rising death toll and hundreds of thousands of displaced people with nowhere safe to go are worsening the already dire humanitarian situation.

At least 36,050 Palestinians have been killed and more than 81,026 injured. This number is expected to increase rapidly as airstrikes continue. 

Nearly 50% of deaths are children.


The tightening of Israel’s siege of Gaza – cutting off supplies of food, medicine, fuel, and aid – represents collective punishment of all 2.2 million people living in Gaza, around half of whom are children.

Lack of fuel, clean water and limited food supplies has forced the healthcare system into a state of total collapse and caused significant levels of dehydration, starvation, and disease as essential supplies slowly run out across the Gaza Strip. 

“The feeling of betrayal and being let down is taking over everyone in Gaza. We are exhausted and praying that the world will end this nightmare, but still there is no end in sight. Our destruction will go on for another round. We have to keep suffering and living this pain.”

an Islamic Relief aid worker in Gaza.

Vegetable Distribution in Khan Younis

Islamic Relief is on the ground

As conditions rapidly deteriorate amid this latest escalation in hostilities, Islamic Relief remains steadfast in our determination to assist Palestinian families. Working closely with our local partners, we are distributing essential items to affected families.

Since October 2023, we have provided over £15 million worth of aid and delivered over 16.6 million hot meals.

Islamic Relief is calling on supporters to help us provide much-needed humanitarian aid.

We’ve been providing vital support to vulnerable people through donations towards our Gaza relief fund. Our work is focused on getting food to those who need it most, and treating urgent health needs.

Your donations to Gaza will help our teams to deliver vital medical supplies to patients and staff. We also provide key items; such as medicine, disposables, medical kits and food for all.

With your support, Islamic Relief will remain a lifeline for Palestinian families. Please give generously to our Palestine Emergency Appeal now.

How is Islamic Relief still getting aid into Gaza?

Islamic Relief has been working with local partners across Gaza and the wider Middle East region to ensure we can procure and distribute as much aid as we can.  

We are working with UN agencies such as the World Food Programme, who are bringing in some food via the Kerem Shalom crossing which we then distribute. Through a number of additional trucks, we have also been able to bring in and deliver vital hygiene, medical and personal items. This included warm winter clothing, feminine hygiene products and children’s nappies. 

Items such as blankets and hygiene kits have been brought in through the Rafah crossing, and we are constantly trying to get more in.  

Despite the huge challenges, our team in Gaza and our local partners are delivering aid every day. So far, we’ve cooked over 16.6 million ready-to-eat meals for displaced families in the overcrowded shelters.  

We desperately need more aid to get into Gaza, alongside a permanent ceasefire. Only an estimated 10% of the required food aid is getting in. There has been little improvement, with the amount of aid coming in remaining just a drop in the ocean compared to what is needed.  

March 2024 - Islamic Relief has been providing psychological support to orphans and children in Gaza.

Islamic Relief Pakistan Saving Lives in Palestine

Donate now for urgent relief in Gaza

With your help, we will be distributing hygiene kits, clean water via water tanks, and psychosocial support for children–but the enormity of the crisis means that much more is needed. Support our Gaza emergency appeal and continue saving lives.

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