Paindag is a village in the Chagai District, it has a population of 85 people which includes children and elderly.

The people here earn their living through labour work or rearing animals like sheep, goats and camels. Their main sources of water for drinking and domestic use are open wells. The villagers would draw buckets of water from the nearest well which is over 200ft away from the village.

The animals would also drink from the same well and this contaminated the water and resulted in spreading diseases.

The entire community was suffering! There was no scheme installed to provide safe and clean drinking water for us, we were helpless and waited for a miracle,

said a community member.

Islamic Relief Pakistan’s Social Mobilisation team visited this village and with the help of the community members installed a water supply scheme and a small solar water system.

Since the installment of the water supply scheme, the community now has clean and safe drinking water from a secure source. Community members have installed plastic water tanks with the solar powered pumps in order to have easy access to water when needed.

“This intervention has helped us fight deadly diseases that spread through open water sources and animal waste. It is a dream come true for us and a result of collective work that entire community is now has clean drinking water, thanks to Islamic Relief Pakistan”, said one happy villager.

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