Wednesday June 23, 2021

Pakistan’s province of Balochistan is facing the adverse impacts of climate change. Plagued by water scarcity and recurring droughts, the locals are often forced to migrate to safer places.

Islamic Relief Pakistan is present has been working in the area for the last two decades to carry out activities to make the local communities more adaptable towards the climate crisis. We believe that climate adaptation is essential.

Under WAQF Project, drinking water supply schemes were constructed and rehabilitated in six different areas of Balochistan. The Balochistan province is worst affected by climate change in the country with water scarcity multiplying the challenges for the local communities who rely on small-scale farming and cattle rearing.

Our recent project of water schemes rehabilitation funded by WAQF in six different parts of the province is helping communities to take control of their lives and livelihoods. Old water sources are either dried up or far away, but new water schemes are making lives easier for hundreds of households.

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