Access to Clean Water

Islamic Relief has been working to help ensure more people in Pakistan have access to clean and safe water, whether it’s providing relief during droughts or building water supply schemes in rural areas by digging bore holes, wells and providing hand pumps.

In emergencies we respond to immediate water and sanitation requirements alongside delivering water through trucking, tankering and functionalizing the water supply schemes.

We have helped farmers  conserve water through a combination of innovative techniques.

With the support of think tanks we have put in place structures to recharge dwindling water levels and protect communities from flooding.

Moreover, our support in improving sanitation and raising awareness on hygiene practices has changed behaviours of communities for healthy lifestyles and value added benefits for persons with disabilities.

With these climate friendly approaches, we have helped over a million people with access to clean water at their doorstep.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The best charity is giving water to drink” and he was the most generous in giving charity. (as narrated in Ahmad)

Bringing safe water to those in need

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