Islamic Relief in Niger
Islamic Relief began working in Niger in 2005 with an emergency response to address a food and nutritional crisis there. Islamic Relief Niger has been established there to continue work with local organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to implement and oversee development projects in the region. Current projects include livelihoods, health, nutrition, water, sanitation and orphan support.
Our programmes cover health and nutrition as well as water and sanitation. Health and nutrition intervention includes therapeutic feeding centres in four district hospitals for severely malnourished children with medical complications.
There are also 35 community integrated health centres with supplementary feeding centres to provide rehabilitation for moderately malnourished children. Islamic Relief provides free healthcare for malnourished children their mothers and pregnant and nursing women. Water and sanitation activities include the drilling/digging of wells, installation of hand pumps, construction of public latrines and raising community awareness to prevent mass outbreaks of disease.